Sketching with Hahnemühle Toned Watercolor Book
Creatives will be educated on the many different techniques to painting on Toned Watercolor papers and the features and benefits of our Tone Watercolor Book. Once the video is viewed the participants are encouraged to render a line drawing Urban Sketch in the book or sample sheet with the Zebra Pen provided and then complete the Urban Sketch with the Golden QoR watercolors and Royal Langnickel watercolor brush.
Get Inspired & Share your Creations
Check out what others are creating & show off your own masterpieces.

Our New Item Project contest is now closed. Thank you to everyone who participated, we are truly inspired by all your creativity.
Winners Announcement: July 9th.
View Winners

We still want to celebrate your creativity, so you can continue sharing your artwork after June 30th, it just will not be eligible for the contest.
1. Post on Instagram
Post your completed projects on Instagram for a chance to win a brand prize.
2. Tag your Post
Tag your post with the brand’s hashtag. Find hashtag: Hashtags by Brand List
3. Include your name
Be sure to include your name & store name in your post to participate.
Note: Your Instagram account must be a public account to participate. If you don’t have an Instagram account and wish to participate, contact us at for further instruction.